--- Raw source --- function x1() { n = 16; return (n / 8) == 2; } print(x1()); print(x1()); --- Code --- kind = FUNCTION Instructions (size = 260) 0x37c0e160 0 e92d4902 stmdb sp!, {r1, r8, fp, lr} 0x37c0e164 4 e59ac00c ldr ip, [r10, #+12] 0x37c0e168 8 e28db008 add fp, sp, #8 0x37c0e16c 12 e52dc004 str ip, [sp, #-4]! 0x37c0e170 16 e59f20b8 ldr r2, [pc, #+184] ;; object: 0x21dab3d9 0x37c0e174 20 e3a01000 mov r1, #0 0x37c0e178 24 e3a00000 mov r0, #0 0x37c0e17c 28 e92d0107 stmdb sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r8} 0x37c0e180 32 e3a00004 mov r0, #4 0x37c0e184 36 e59f10a8 ldr r1, [pc, #+168] 0x37c0e188 40 e1a0e00f mov lr, pc 0x37c0e18c 44 e59ff0a4 ldr pc, [pc, #+164] ;; debug: statement 0 ;; code: STUB, CEntryStub, minor: 0 0x37c0e190 48 e59ac044 ldr ip, [r10, #+68] 0x37c0e194 52 e15d000c cmp sp, ip 0x37c0e198 56 2a000001 bcs +12 -> 68 (0x37c0e1a4) 0x37c0e19c 60 e1a0e00f mov lr, pc 0x37c0e1a0 64 e59ff094 ldr pc, [pc, #+148] ;; code: STUB, StackCheckStub, minor: 0 0x37c0e1a4 68 e5980013 ldr r0, [r8, #+19] 0x37c0e1a8 72 e52d0004 str r0, [sp, #-4]! 0x37c0e1ac 76 e5980013 ldr r0, [r8, #+19] 0x37c0e1b0 80 e52d0004 str r0, [sp, #-4]! 0x37c0e1b4 84 e59f2084 ldr r2, [pc, #+132] ;; object: 0x363cce59 0x37c0e1b8 88 e1a0e00f mov lr, pc 0x37c0e1bc 92 e59ff080 ldr pc, [pc, #+128] ;; debug: statement 47 ;; debug: position 53 ;; code: contextual, CALL_IC, UNINITIALIZED, argc = 0 0x37c0e1c0 96 e51b8004 ldr r8, [fp, #-4] 0x37c0e1c4 100 e52d0004 str r0, [sp, #-4]! 0x37c0e1c8 104 e59f2078 ldr r2, [pc, #+120] ;; object: 0x363cca41 0x37c0e1cc 108 e1a0e00f mov lr, pc 0x37c0e1d0 112 e59ff074 ldr pc, [pc, #+116] ;; debug: statement 47 ;; code: contextual, CALL_IC, UNINITIALIZED, argc = 1 0x37c0e1d4 116 e51b8004 ldr r8, [fp, #-4] 0x37c0e1d8 120 e5980013 ldr r0, [r8, #+19] 0x37c0e1dc 124 e52d0004 str r0, [sp, #-4]! 0x37c0e1e0 128 e5980013 ldr r0, [r8, #+19] 0x37c0e1e4 132 e52d0004 str r0, [sp, #-4]! 0x37c0e1e8 136 e59f2060 ldr r2, [pc, #+96] ;; object: 0x363cce59 0x37c0e1ec 140 e1a0e00f mov lr, pc 0x37c0e1f0 144 e59ff05c ldr pc, [pc, #+92] ;; debug: statement 60 ;; debug: position 66 ;; code: contextual, CALL_IC, UNINITIALIZED, argc = 0 0x37c0e1f4 148 e51b8004 ldr r8, [fp, #-4] 0x37c0e1f8 152 e52d0004 str r0, [sp, #-4]! 0x37c0e1fc 156 e59f2054 ldr r2, [pc, #+84] ;; object: 0x363cca41 0x37c0e200 160 e1a0e00f mov lr, pc 0x37c0e204 164 e59ff050 ldr pc, [pc, #+80] ;; debug: statement 60 ;; code: contextual, CALL_IC, UNINITIALIZED, argc = 1 0x37c0e208 168 e51b8004 ldr r8, [fp, #-4] 0x37c0e20c 172 e50b000c str r0, [fp, #-12] 0x37c0e210 176 e51b000c ldr r0, [fp, #-12] 0x37c0e214 180 e1a0d00b mov sp, fp ;; debug: statement 71 ;; js return 0x37c0e218 184 e8bd4800 ldmia sp!, {fp, lr} 0x37c0e21c 188 e28dd004 add sp, sp, #4 0x37c0e220 192 e1a0f00e mov pc, lr 0x37c0e224 196 e59a000c ldr r0, [r10, #+12] 0x37c0e228 200 eafffff9 b -20 -> 180 (0x37c0e214) 0x37c0e22c 204 0c00000c constant pool begin 0x37c0e230 208 21dab3d9 constant 0x37c0e234 212 40206758 constant 0x37c0e238 216 2780a040 constant 0x37c0e23c 220 50e2f860 constant 0x37c0e240 224 363cce59 constant 0x37c0e244 228 50e32120 constant 0x37c0e248 232 363cca41 constant 0x37c0e24c 236 50e32040 constant 0x37c0e250 240 363cce59 constant 0x37c0e254 244 50e32120 constant 0x37c0e258 248 363cca41 constant 0x37c0e25c 252 50e32040 constant Deoptimization Output Data (deopt points = 0) Stack checks (size = 0) ast_id pc_offset RelocInfo (size = 38) 0x37c0e170 embedded object (0x21dab3d9 ) 0x37c0e18c statement position (0) 0x37c0e18c code target (STUB) (0x2780a040) 0x37c0e1a0 code target (STUB) (0x50e2f860) 0x37c0e1b4 embedded object (0x363cce59 ) 0x37c0e1bc statement position (47) 0x37c0e1bc position (53) 0x37c0e1bc code target (context) (CALL_IC) (0x50e32120) 0x37c0e1c8 embedded object (0x363cca41 ) 0x37c0e1d0 statement position (47) 0x37c0e1d0 code target (context) (CALL_IC) (0x50e32040) 0x37c0e1e8 embedded object (0x363cce59 ) 0x37c0e1f0 statement position (60) 0x37c0e1f0 position (66) 0x37c0e1f0 code target (context) (CALL_IC) (0x50e32120) 0x37c0e1fc embedded object (0x363cca41 ) 0x37c0e204 statement position (60) 0x37c0e204 code target (context) (CALL_IC) (0x50e32040) 0x37c0e214 statement position (71) 0x37c0e214 js return --- Raw source --- () { n = 16; return (n / 8) == 2; } --- Code --- kind = FUNCTION name = x1 Instructions (size = 192) 0x37c0e300 0 e92d4902 stmdb sp!, {r1, r8, fp, lr} 0x37c0e304 4 e28db008 add fp, sp, #8 0x37c0e308 8 e59ac044 ldr ip, [r10, #+68] 0x37c0e30c 12 e15d000c cmp sp, ip 0x37c0e310 16 2a000001 bcs +12 -> 28 (0x37c0e31c) 0x37c0e314 20 e1a0e00f mov lr, pc 0x37c0e318 24 e59ff080 ldr pc, [pc, #+128] ;; debug: statement 11 ;; code: STUB, StackCheckStub, minor: 0 0x37c0e31c 28 e3a00020 mov r0, #32 0x37c0e320 32 e59f207c ldr r2, [pc, #+124] ;; object: 0x363cce69 0x37c0e324 36 e5981013 ldr r1, [r8, #+19] 0x37c0e328 40 e1a0e00f mov lr, pc 0x37c0e32c 44 e59ff074 ldr pc, [pc, #+116] ;; debug: statement 16 ;; debug: position 18 ;; code: contextual, STORE_IC, UNINITIALIZED 0x37c0e330 48 e5980013 ldr r0, [r8, #+19] 0x37c0e334 52 e59f2070 ldr r2, [pc, #+112] ;; object: 0x363cce69 0x37c0e338 56 e1a0e00f mov lr, pc 0x37c0e33c 60 e59ff06c ldr pc, [pc, #+108] ;; debug: statement 24 ;; debug: position 32 ;; code: contextual, LOAD_IC, UNINITIALIZED 0x37c0e340 64 e52d0004 str r0, [sp, #-4]! 0x37c0e344 68 e3a00010 mov r0, #16 0x37c0e348 72 e49d1004 ldr r1, [sp], #+4 0x37c0e34c 76 e1a0e00f mov lr, pc 0x37c0e350 80 e59ff05c ldr pc, [pc, #+92] ;; debug: position 34 ;; code: BINARY_OP_IC, UNINITIALIZED (id = 14) 0x37c0e354 84 e1a00000 mov r0, r0 0x37c0e358 88 e52d0004 str r0, [sp, #-4]! 0x37c0e35c 92 e3a00004 mov r0, #4 0x37c0e360 96 e49d1004 ldr r1, [sp], #+4 0x37c0e364 100 e1a0e00f mov lr, pc 0x37c0e368 104 e59ff048 ldr pc, [pc, #+72] ;; debug: position 39 ;; code: COMPARE_IC, UNINITIALIZED (id = 18) 0x37c0e36c 108 e1a00000 mov r0, r0 0x37c0e370 112 e3500000 cmp r0, #0 0x37c0e374 116 1a000001 bne +12 -> 128 (0x37c0e380) 0x37c0e378 120 e59a0018 ldr r0, [r10, #+24] 0x37c0e37c 124 ea000000 b +8 -> 132 (0x37c0e384) 0x37c0e380 128 e59a001c ldr r0, [r10, #+28] 0x37c0e384 132 e1a0d00b mov sp, fp ;; debug: statement 45 ;; js return 0x37c0e388 136 e8bd4800 ldmia sp!, {fp, lr} 0x37c0e38c 140 e28dd004 add sp, sp, #4 0x37c0e390 144 e1a0f00e mov pc, lr 0x37c0e394 148 e59a000c ldr r0, [r10, #+12] 0x37c0e398 152 eafffff9 b -20 -> 132 (0x37c0e384) 0x37c0e39c 156 0c000007 constant pool begin 0x37c0e3a0 160 50e2f860 constant 0x37c0e3a4 164 363cce69 constant 0x37c0e3a8 168 50e33c80 constant 0x37c0e3ac 172 363cce69 constant 0x37c0e3b0 176 50e332c0 constant 0x37c0e3b4 180 37c0e2a0 constant 0x37c0e3b8 184 50e2c100 constant Deoptimization Output Data (deopt points = 0) Stack checks (size = 0) ast_id pc_offset RelocInfo (size = 29) 0x37c0e318 statement position (11) 0x37c0e318 code target (STUB) (0x50e2f860) 0x37c0e320 embedded object (0x363cce69 ) 0x37c0e32c statement position (16) 0x37c0e32c position (18) 0x37c0e32c code target (context) (STORE_IC) (0x50e33c80) 0x37c0e334 embedded object (0x363cce69 ) 0x37c0e33c statement position (24) 0x37c0e33c position (32) 0x37c0e33c code target (context) (LOAD_IC) (0x50e332c0) 0x37c0e350 position (34) 0x37c0e350 code target with id (BINARY_OP_IC) (0x37c0e2a0) (id=14) 0x37c0e368 position (39) 0x37c0e368 code target with id (COMPARE_IC) (0x50e2c100) (id=18) 0x37c0e384 statement position (45) 0x37c0e384 js return true false