NAV-POSECEF (0x0101)

DescriptionPosition Solution in ECEF
Type Periodic/Polled
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 iTOW GPS Millisecond Time of Week
I4 ecefX ECEF X coordinate
I4 ecefY ECEF Y coordinate
I4 ecefZ ECEF Z coordinate
U4 pAcc Position Accuracy Estimate

NAV-POSLLH (0x0102)

DescriptionGeodetic Position Solution
Type Periodic/Polled
CommentThis message outputs the Geodetic position in the currently selected Ellipsoid. The default is the WGS84 Ellipsoid, but can be changed with the message CFG-DAT.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 iTOW GPS Millisecond Time of Week
I4 lon Longitude
I4 lat Latitude
I4 height Height above Ellipsoid
I4 hMSL Height above mean sea level
U4 hAcc Horizontal Accuracy Estimate
U4 vAcc Vertical Accuracy Estimate

NAV-STATUS (0x0103)

DescriptionReceiver Navigation Status
Type Periodic/Polled
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 iTOW GPS Millisecond Time of Week
U1 gpsFix GPSfix Type
X1 flags
0x01 gpsFixOk
0x02 diffSoln
0x04 wknSet
0x08 towSet
Navigation Status Flags
X1 diffStat
0x03 dgpsIStat
Differential Status
U1 res Reserved
U4 ttff Time to first fix (millisecond time tag)
U4 msss Milliseconds since Startup / Reset

NAV-DOP (0x0104)

DescriptionDilution of precision
Type Periodic/Polled
Comment* DOP values are dimensionless.
* All DOP values are scaled by a factor of 100. that is, if the unit transmits a value of e.g. 156, it means that the DOP value is 1.56.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 iTOW GPS Millisecond Time of Week
U2 gDOP Geometric DOP
U2 pDOP Position DOP
U2 tDOP Time DOP
U2 vDOP Vertical DOP
U2 hDOP Horizontal DOP
U2 nDOP Northing DOP
U2 eDOP Easting DOP

NAV-SOL (0x0106)

DescriptionNavigation Solution Information
Type Periodic/Polled
CommentThis message is combiningPosition, velocity and time solution in ECEF,including accuracy figures
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 iTOW GPS Millisecond Time of Week
I4 fTOW Fractional Nanoseconds remainder of rounded ms above, range -500000 .. 500000
I2 week GPS week (GPS time)
U1 gpsFix GPSfix Type, range 0..4
X1 flags
0x01 GPSfixOK
0x02 DiffSoln
Fix Status Flags
I4 ecefX ECEF X coordinate
I4 ecefY ECEF Y coordinate
I4 ecefZ ECEF Z coordinate
U4 pAcc 3D Position Accuracy Estimate
I4 ecefVX ECEF X velocity
I4 ecefVY ECEF Y velocity
I4 ecefVZ ECEF Z velocity
U4 sAcc Speed Accuracy Estimate
U2 pDOP Position DOP
U1 res1 reserved
U1 numSV Number of SVs used in Nav Solution
U4 res2 reserved

NAV-VELECEF (0x0111)

DescriptionVelocity Solution in ECEF
Type Periodic/Polled
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 iTOW GPS Millisecond Time of Week
I4 ecefVX ECEF X velocity
I4 ecefVY ECEF Y velocity
I4 ecefVZ ECEF Z velocity
U4 sAcc Speed Accuracy Estimate

NAV-VELNED (0x0112)

DescriptionVelocity Solution in NED
Type Periodic/Polled
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 iTOW GPS Millisecond Time of Week
I4 velN NED north velocity
I4 velE NED east velocity
I4 velD NED down velocity
U4 speed Speed (3-D)
U4 gSpeed Ground Speed (2-D)
I4 heading Heading 2-D
U4 sAcc Speed Accuracy Estimate
U4 cAcc Course / Heading Accuracy Estimate

NAV-TIMEGPS (0x0120)

DescriptionGPS Time Solution
Type Periodic/Polled
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 iTOW GPS Millisecond time of Week
I4 fTOW Fractional Nanoseconds remainder of rounded ms above, range -500000 .. 500000
I2 week GPS week (GPS time)
I1 leapS Leap Seconds (GPS-UTC)
X1 valid
0x01 tow
0x02 week
0x04 utc
Validity Flags
U4 tAcc Time Accuracy Estimate

NAV-TIMEUTC (0x0121)

DescriptionUTC Time Solution
Type Periodic/Polled
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 iTOW GPS Millisecond Time of Week
U4 tAcc Time Accuracy Estimate
I4 nano Nanoseconds of second, range -500000000 .. 500000000 (UTC)
U2 year Year, range 1999..2099 (UTC)
U1 month Month, range 1..12 (UTC)
U1 day Day of Month, range 1..31 (UTC)
U1 hour Hour of Day, range 0..23 (UTC)
U1 min Minute of Hour, range 0..59 (UTC)
U1 sec Seconds of Minute, range 0..59 (UTC)
X1 valid
0x01 validTOW
0x02 validWKN
0x04 validUTC
Validity Flags

NAV-CLOCK (0x0122)

DescriptionClock Solution
Type Periodic/Polled
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 iTOW GPS Millisecond Time of week
I4 clkB clock bias in nanoseconds
I4 clkD clock drift in nanoseconds per second
U4 tAcc Time Accuracy Estimate
U4 fAcc Frequency Accuracy Estimate

NAV-SVINFO (0x0130)

DescriptionSpace Vehicle Information
Type Periodic/Polled
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 iTOW GPS Millisecond time of week
U1 numCh Number of channels
X1 globalFlags
0x01 isU5
U2 res2 Reserved
GPS_UBX_NAV_SVINFO_CHN_t ? ? repeat numCh times

NAV-SBAS (0x0132)

DescriptionSBAS Status Data
Type Periodic/Polled
CommentThis message outputs the status of the SBAS sub system
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 iTOW GPS Millisecond time of week
U1 geo PRN Number of the GEO where correction and integrity data is used from
U1 mode SBAS Mode
I1 sys SBAS System (WAAS/EGNOS/...)
X1 service
0x01 Ranging
0x02 Corrections
0x04 Integrity
0x08 Testmode
SBAS Services available
U1 cnt Number of SV data following
U1 res Reserved array of 3 items
GPS_UBX_NAV_SBAS_SVID_t ? ? repeat cnt times

RXM-RAW (0x0210)

DescriptionRaw Measurement Data
Type Periodic/Polled
CommentThis message contains all information needed to be able to generate a RINEX file.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
I4 iTOW Measurement integer millisecond GPS time of week (Receiver Time)
I2 week Measurement GPS week number (Receiver Time).
U1 numSV # of satellites following.
U1 res1 Reserved
GPS_UBX_RXM_RAW_CPMES_t ? ? repeat numSV times

RXM-SFRB (0x0211)

DescriptionSubframe Buffer
Type Periodic
CommentThe content of one single subframe buffer
+For GPS satellites, the 10 dwrd values contain the parity checked subframe data for 10 Words. Each dwrd has 24 Bits with valid data (Bits 23 to 0). The remaining 8 bits (31 to 24) have an undefined value. The direction within the Word is that the higher order bits are received from the SV first. Example: The Preamble can be found in dwrd[0], at bit position 23 down to 16. For more details on the data format please refer to the ICD-GPS-200C Interface document.
+For SBAS satellites, the 250 Bit message block can be found in dwrd[0] to dwrd[6] for the first 224 bits. The remaining 26 bits are in dwrd[7], whereas Bits 25 and 24 are the last two data bits, and Bits 23 down to 0 are the parity bits. For more information on SBAS data format, please refer to RTCA/DO-229C (MOPS), Appendix A.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 chn Channel Number
U1 svid ID of Satellite transmitting Subframe
X4 dwrd Words of Data array of 10 items

RXM-SVSI (0x0220)

DescriptionSV Status Info
Type Periodic/Polled
CommentStatus of the receiver manager knowledge about GPS Orbit Validity
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
I4 iTOW Measurement integer millisecond GPS time of week
I2 week Measurement GPS week number.
U1 numVis number of visible satellites
U1 numSV number of per-SV data blocks following
GPS_UBX_RXM_SVSI_SVID_t ? ? repeat numSV times

INF-ERROR (0x0400)

DescriptionASCII String output, indicating an error
CommentThis message has a variable length payload, representing an ASCII string.

This packet has no fields.

INF-WARNING (0x0401)

DescriptionASCII String output, indicating a warning
CommentThis message has a variable length payload, representing an ASCII string.

This packet has no fields.

INF-NOTICE (0x0402)

DescriptionASCII String output, with informational contents
CommentThis message has a variable length payload, representing an ASCII string.

This packet has no fields.

INF-TEST (0x0403)

DescriptionASCII String output, indicating test output
CommentThis message has a variable length payload, representing an ASCII string.

This packet has no fields.

INF-DEBUG (0x0404)

DescriptionASCII String output, indicating debug output
CommentThis message has a variable length payload, representing an ASCII string.

This packet has no fields.

ACK-NAK (0x0500)

DescriptionMessage Not-Acknowledged
Type Answer
CommentOutput upon processing of an input message
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 clsID Class Id of the Not-Acknowledged Message
U1 msgID Message Id of the Not-Acknowledged Message

ACK-ACK (0x0501)

DescriptionMessage Acknowledged
Type Answer
CommentOutput upon processing of an input message
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 clsID Class Id of the Acknowledged Message
U1 msgID Message Id of the Acknowledged Message

CFG-PRT-POLL (0x0600)

DescriptionPolls the configuration for one I/O Port
Type Poll Request
CommentSending this message with a port ID as payload results in having the receiver return the configuration for the given port. If the payload is omitted, the configuration for the incoming port is returned
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 PortID Port Identifier Number

CFG-PRT-UART-U5 (0x0600)

DescriptionGet/Set Port Configuration for UART, USB Port(s)
Type Get/Set
CommentSeveral configurations can be concatenated to one input message. In this case the payload length can be a multiple of the normal length. Output messages from the module contain only one configuration unit. Note that some fields are interpreted differentlydepending on communication port type (see alternate descriptions of this message)
\note: For the USB Port, the mode and baudrate fields are ignored.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 portID Port Identifier Number
U1 res0 Reserved
U2 res1 Reserved
X4 mode
0x000000C0 charLen
0x00000E00 parity
0x00003000 nStopBits
A bit mask describing the UART mode
U4 baudRate Baudrate in bits/second
X2 inProtoMask
0x0001 ubx
0x0002 nmea
0x0004 rtcm
A mask describing which input protocols are active
X2 outProtoMask
0x0001 ubx
0x0002 nmea
0x0008 raw
A mask describing which output protocols are active.
X2 flags Reserved, set to 0
U2 pad Reserved, set to 0

CFG-PRT-SPI-U5 (0x0600)

DescriptionGet/Set Port Configuration for SPI Port(s)
Type Get/Set
CommentSeveral configurations can be concatenated to one input message. In this case the payload length can be a multiple of the normal length. Output messages from the module contain only one configuration unit. Note that some fields are interpreted differentlydepending on communication port type (see alternate descriptions of this message)
\note: Description of this message indicating the fields used in u-blox 5
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 portID Port Identifier Number
U1 res0 Reserved
U2 res1 Reserved
X4 mode
0x00000006 spiMode
0x0000FF00 ffCnt
SPI Mode Flags
U4 baudRate Unused, set to 0
X2 inProtoMask
0x0001 ubx
0x0002 nmea
0x0004 rtcm
A mask describing which input protocols are active
X2 outProtoMask
0x0001 ubx
0x0002 nmea
0x0008 raw
A mask describing which output protocols are active.
X2 flags Reserved, set to 0
U2 pad Reserved, set to 0

CFG-PRT-I2C-U5 (0x0600)

DescriptionGet/Set Port Configuration for I2C Port(s)
Type Get/Set
CommentSeveral configurations can be concatenated to one input message. In this case the payload length can be a multiple of the normal length. Output messages from the module contain only one configuration unit. Note that some fields are interpreted differentlydepending on communication port type (see alternate descriptions of this message)
\note: Description of this message indicating the fields used in u-blox 5
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 portID Port Identifier Number
U1 res0 Reserved
U2 res1 Reserved
X4 mode
0x000000FE slaveAddr
I2C Mode Flags
U4 baudRate Unused, set to 0
X2 inProtoMask
0x0001 ubx
0x0002 nmea
0x0004 rtcm
A mask describing which input protocols are active
X2 outProtoMask
0x0001 ubx
0x0002 nmea
0x0008 raw
A mask describing which output protocols are active.
X2 flags Reserved, set to 0
U2 pad Reserved, set to 0

CFG-MSG-POLL (0x0601)

DescriptionPoll a message configuration
Type Poll Request
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 class Message Class
U1 msgID Message Identifier

CFG-MSG (0x0601)

DescriptionSet Message Rate(s)
Type Set/Get
CommentSet/Get message rate configuration (s) to/from the receiver
* Several configurations can be concatenated to one input message. In this case the payload length can be a multiple of the normal length. Output messages from the module contain only one configuration unit.
* Send rate is relative to the event a message is registered on. For example, if the rate of a navigation message is set to 2, the message is sent every second navigation solution.For configuring NMEA messages, the section NMEA Messages Overview describes Class and Identifier numbers used.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 class Message Class
U1 msgID Message Identifier
U1 rate Send rate on I/O Target (4 Targets) array of 4 items


DescriptionSet Message Rate
Type Set/Get
CommentSet message rate configuration for the current target
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 class Message Class
U1 msgID Message Identifier
U1 rate Send rate on current Target

CFG-INF-POLL (0x0602)

DescriptionPoll INF message configuration for one protocol
Type Poll Request
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 protocolID Protocol Identifier, identifying the output protocol for this Poll Request. The following are valid Protocol Identifiers:

CFG-INF (0x0602)

DescriptionInformation message configuration
Type Set/Get
CommentThe value of INFMSG_mask below are that each bit represents one of the INFclass messages (Bit 0 for ERROR, Bit 1 for WARNING and so on.). For a completelist, please see the Message Class INF.Several configurations can be concatenated to one input message. In thiscase the payload length can be a multiple of the normal length. Output messages from the module contain only one configuration unit. Please note that I/O Targets 0, 1 and 2 correspond to serial ports 0, 1 and 2. I/O target 3 is reserved for future use.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 protocolID Protocol Identifier, identifying for which protocol the configuration is set/get. The following are valid Protocol Identifiers:
U1 res0 Reserved
U2 res1 Reserved
X1 infMsgMask
0x01 ERROR
0x08 DEBUG
0x10 TEST
0x80 USER
A bit mask, saying which information messages are enabled on each I/O target array of 4 items

CFG-RST (0x0604)

DescriptionReset Receiver / Clear Backup Data Structures
Type Command
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
X2 navBbrMask
0x0001 eph
0x0002 alm
0x0004 health
0x0008 klob
0x0010 pos
0x0020 clkd
0x0040 osc
0x0080 utc
0x0100 rtc
BBR Sections to clear. The following Special Sets apply:
U1 resetMode Reset Type
U1 res Reserved

CFG-DAT-POLL (0x0606)

DescriptionPoll Datum Setting
Type Poll Request
CommentUpon sending of this message, the receiver returns CFG-DAT as defined below
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType


DescriptionSet Standard Datum
Type Set
CommentSee section Geodetic Datums for a list of supported Datums
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U2 datumNum Datum Number


DescriptionSet User-defined Datum
Type Set
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
R8 majA Semi-major Axis ( accepted range = 6,300,000.0 to 6,500,000.0 metres ).
R8 flat 1.0 / Flattening ( accepted range is 0.0 to 500.0 ).
R4 dX X Axis shift at the origin ( accepted range is +/- 5000.0 metres ).
R4 dY Y Axis shift at the origin ( accepted range is +/- 5000.0 metres ).
R4 dZ Z Axis shift at the origin ( accepted range is +/- 5000.0 metres ).
R4 rotX Rotation about the X Axis ( accepted range is +/- 20.0 milli-arc seconds ).
R4 rotY Rotation about the Y Axis ( accepted range is +/- 20.0 milli-arc seconds ).
R4 rotZ Rotation about the Z Axis ( accepted range is +/- 20.0 milli-arc seconds ).
R4 scale Scale change ( accepted range is 0.0 to 50.0 parts per million ).

CFG-DAT (0x0606)

DescriptionGet currently selected Datum
Type Get
CommentThe Parameter datumName is only valid, if datumNum is not equal to -1. In case datumNum is -1,the receiver is configured for a custom datum. The parameters from majA to scale are valid for both custom or standard datum formats.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U2 datumNum Datum Number according to Geodetic Datums
CH datumName ASCII String with Datum Mnemonic array of 6 items
R8 majA Semi-major Axis ( accepted range = 6,300,000.0 to 6,500,000.0 metres ).
R8 flat 1.0 / Flattening ( accepted range is 0.0 to 500.0 ).
R4 dX X Axis shift at the origin ( accepted range is +/- 5000.0 metres ).
R4 dY Y Axis shift at the origin ( accepted range is +/- 5000.0 metres ).
R4 dZ Z Axis shift at the origin ( accepted range is +/- 5000.0 metres ).
R4 rotX Rotation about the X Axis ( accepted range is +/- 20.0 milli-arc seconds ).
R4 rotY Rotation about the Y Axis ( accepted range is +/- 20.0 milli-arc seconds ).
R4 rotZ Rotation about the Z Axis ( accepted range is +/- 20.0 milli-arc seconds ).
R4 scale Scale change ( accepted range is 0.0 to 50.0 parts per million ).

CFG-TP-POLL (0x0607)

DescriptionPoll TimePulse Parameters
Type Poll Request
CommentSending this (empty / no-payload) message to the receiver results in the receiver returning a message of type CFG-TP with a payload as definedbelow
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType

CFG-TP (0x0607)

DescriptionGet/Set TimePulse Parameters
Type Get/Set
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 interval time interval for time pulse
U4 length length of time pulse
I1 status time pulse config setting
U1 timeRef alignment to reference time:
U1 flags
0x01 syncMode
U1 res reserved
I2 antennaCableDelay Antenna Cable Delay
I2 rfGroupDelay Receiver RF Group Delay
I4 userDelay User Time Function Delay (positive delay results in earlier pulse)

CFG-RATE-POLL (0x0608)

DescriptionPoll Navigation/Measurement Rate Settings
Type Poll Request
CommentSending this (empty / no-payload) message to the receiver results in the receiver returning a message of type CFG-RATE with a payload as defined below
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType

CFG-RATE (0x0608)

DescriptionNavigation/Measurement Rate Settings
Type Get/Set
CommentThe u-blox positioning technology supports navigation update rates higher or lower than 1 update per second. The calculation of the navigation solution will always be aligned to the top of a second.
* The update rate has a direct influence on the power consumption. The more fixes that are required, the more CPU power and communication resources are required.
* For most applications a 1 Hz update rate would be sufficient.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U2 measRate Measurement Rate, GPS measurements are taken every measRate milliseconds
U2 navRate Navigation Rate, in number of measurement cycles. On u-blox 5, this parameter cannot be changed, and is always equals 1.
U2 timeRef alignment to reference time: 0 = UTC time, 1 = GPS time

CFG-CFG (0x0609)

DescriptionClear, Save and Load configurations
Type Command
CommentThe three masks are made up of individual bits, each bit indicating the section ID on which the corresponding action shall be carried out.Please note that commands can be combined. The sequence of execution is Clear, Save, Load
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
X4 clearMask
0x0001 ioPort
0x0002 msgConf
0x0004 infMsg
0x0008 navConf
0x0010 rxmConf
0x0020 lpmConf
0x0400 antConf
Mask with configuration ids to Clear (=Load Factory Defaults to Active Settings)
X4 saveMask Mask with configuration ids to Save (=Save Active Settings to Non-volatile Memory), see ID description of clearMask
X4 loadMask Mask with configuration ids to Load (=Load Settings from Non-volatile Memory to Active Settings), see ID description of clearMask

CFG-ANT-POLL (0x0613)

DescriptionPoll Antenna Control Settings
Type Poll Request
CommentSending this (empty / no-payload) message to the receiver results in the receiver returning a message of type CFG-ANT with a payload as definedbelow
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType

CFG-ANT (0x0613)

DescriptionGet/Set Antenna Control Settings
Type Get/Set
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
X2 flags
0x0001 svcs
0x0002 scd
0x0004 ocd
0x0008 pdwnOnSCD
0x0010 recovery
Antenna Flag Mask
X2 pins
0x001F pinSwitch
0x03E0 pinSCD
0x7C00 pinOCD
Antenna Pin Configuration (READ-ONLY)

CFG-SBAS-U5 (0x0616)

DescriptionSBAS Configuration
Type Command
CommentThis message configures the SBAS receiver subsystem. (i.e. WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS)For detailed description of the SBAS services, please refer to Document RTCA/DO-229C (MOPS), available from
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
X1 mode
0x01 enabled
0x02 test
X1 usage
0x01 range
0x02 diffCorr
0x04 integrity
SBAS Usage
U1 maxSBAS Maximum Number of SBAS channels searched (valid range: 0 - 3) to use
X1 scanmode2
0x01 PRN152
0x02 PRN153
0x04 PRN154
0x08 PRN155
0x10 PRN156
0x20 PRN157
0x40 PRN158
Continuation of scanmode bitmask below
X4 scanmode1
0x00000001 PRN120
0x00000002 PRN121
0x00000004 PRN122
0x00000008 PRN123
0x00000010 PRN124
0x00000020 PRN125
0x00000040 PRN126
0x00000080 PRN127
0x00000100 PRN128
0x00000200 PRN129
0x00000400 PRN130
0x00000800 PRN131
0x00001000 PRN132
0x00002000 PRN133
0x00004000 PRN134
0x00008000 PRN135
0x00010000 PRN136
0x00020000 PRN137
0x00040000 PRN138
0x00080000 PRN139
0x00100000 PRN140
0x00200000 PRN141
0x00400000 PRN142
0x00800000 PRN143
0x01000000 PRN144
0x02000000 PRN145
0x04000000 PRN146
0x08000000 PRN147
0x10000000 PRN148
0x20000000 PRN149
0x40000000 PRN150
0x80000000 PRN151
Which SBAS PRN numbers to search for (Bitmask)

CFG-NMEA-POLL (0x0617)

DescriptionPoll the NMEA protocol configuration
Type Poll Request
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType

CFG-NMEA (0x0617)

DescriptionSet/Get the NMEA protocol configuration
Type Set/Get
CommentSet/Get the NMEA protocol configuration
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
X1 filter
0x01 posFilt
0x02 mskPosFilt
0x04 timeFilt
0x08 dateFilt
0x10 sbasFilt
0x20 trackFilt
filter flags
U1 version 0x23 = NMEA version 2.3
U1 numSV Maximum Number of SVs to report in NMEA protocol.
X1 flags
0x01 compat
0x02 consider


DescriptionPoll a USB configuration
Type Poll Request
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType

CFG-USB (0x061B)

DescriptionGet/Set USB Configuration
Type Get/Set
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U2 vendorID Vendor ID. This field shall only be set to registered
U2 productID Product ID. Changing this field requres special Host drivers.
U2 reserved1 This field is reserved. Always set to 0
U2 reserved2 This field is reserved for special use. Always set to 1
U2 powerConsumption Power consumed by the device in mA
X2 flags
0x0001 reEnum
0x0002 powerMode
various configuration flags
CH vendorString String containing the vendor name. 32 ASCII bytes including 0-termination. array of 32 items
CH productString String containing the product name. 32 ASCII bytes including 0-termination. array of 32 items
CH serialNumber String containing the serial number. 32 ASCII bytes including 0-termination. array of 32 items


DescriptionPoll Time Mode Settings
Type Poll Request
CommentSending this (empty / no-payload) message to the receiver results in the receiver returning a message of type CFG-TMODE with a payload as defined below
\note: This message is only supported on fw version >=V5.00 and if an appropriate license is installed in the receiver.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType

CFG-TMODE (0x061D)

DescriptionTime Mode Settings
Type Get/Set
\note: This message is only supported on fw version >=V5.00 and if an appropriate license is installed in the receiver.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 timeMode Time Transfer Mode:
I4 fixedPosX Fixed Position ECEF X coordinate
I4 fixedPosY Fixed Position ECEF Y coordinate
I4 fixedPosZ Fixed Position ECEF Z coordinate
U4 fixedPosVar Fixed position 3D variance
U4 svinMinDur Survey-in minimum duration
U4 svinVarLimit Survey-in position variance limit

CFG-NAV5-POLL (0x0624)

DescriptionPoll Navigation Engine Settings
Type Poll Request
CommentSending this (empty / no-payload) message to the receiver results in the receiver returning a message of type CFG-NAV5 with a payload as defined below.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType

CFG-NAV5 (0x0624)

DescriptionGet/Set Navigation Engine Settings
Type Get/Set
CommentSee the Navigation Configuration Settings Description for adetailed description of how these settings affect receiver operation.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
X2 mask
0x01 dyn
0x02 minEl
0x04 fixMode
0x08 drLim
0x10 posMask
0x20 timeMask
0x40 staticHoldMask
Parameters Bitmask. Only the masked parameters will be applied.
U1 dynModel Dynamic Platform model:
U1 fixMode Position Fixing Mode.
I4 fixedAlt Fixed altitude for 2D fix mode.
U4 fixedAltVar Fixed altitude variance for 2D mode.
I1 minElev Minimum Elevation for a GNSS satellite to be used in NAV
U1 drLimit Maximum time to perform DR (linear extrapolation) in case of GPS Signal Loss
U2 pDop Position DOP Mask to use
U2 tDop Time DOP Mask to use
U2 pAcc Position Accuracy Mask
U2 tAcc Time Accuracy Mask
U1 staticHoldThresh Static hold threshold
U1 res1 reserved, set to 0
U4 res2 reserved, set to 0
U4 res3 reserved, set to 0
U4 res4 reserved, set to 0

MON-IO (0x0A02)

DescriptionI/O Subsystem Status
Type Periodic/Polled
CommentThe size of the message is determined by the NPRT number of ports the receiver supports.i.e. on Antaris this is always 4, on u-blox 5 the number of ports is 6.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
GPS_UBX_MON_IO_RXBYTES_t ? ? repeat NPRT times

MON-VER (0x0A04)

DescriptionReceiver/Software Version
Type Answer to Poll
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
CH swVersion Zero-terminated Software Version String array of 30 items
CH hwVersion Zero-terminated Hardware Version String array of 10 items
CH extension Installed Extension Package Version array of 30 items

MON-MSGPP-U5 (0x0A06)

DescriptionMessage Parse and Process Status
Type Periodic/Polled
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U2 msg1 Number of successfully parsed messages for each protocol on target0 array of 8 items
U2 msg2 Number of successfully parsed messages for each protocol on target1 array of 8 items
U2 msg3 Number of successfully parsed messages for each protocol on target2 array of 8 items
U2 msg4 Number of successfully parsed messages for each protocol on target3 array of 8 items
U2 msg5 Number of successfully parsed messages for each protocol on target4 array of 8 items
U2 msg6 Number of successfully parsed messages for each protocol on target5 array of 8 items
U4 skipped Number skipped bytes for each target array of 6 items

MON-RXBUF-U5 (0x0A07)

DescriptionReceiver Buffer Status
Type Periodic/Polled
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U2 pending Number of bytes pending in receiver buffer for each target array of 6 items
U1 usage Maximum usage receiver buffer during the last sysmon period for each target array of 6 items
U1 peakUsage Maximum usage receiver buffer for each target array of 6 items

MON-TXBUF-U5 (0x0A08)

DescriptionTransmitter Buffer Status
Type Periodic/Polled
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U2 pending Number of bytes pending in transmitter buffer for each target array of 6 items
U1 usage Maximum usage transmitter buffer during the last sysmon period for each target array of 6 items
U1 peakUsage Maximum usage transmitter buffer for each target array of 6 items
U1 tUsage Maximum usage of transmitter buffer during the last sysmon period for all targets
U1 tPeakusage Maximum usage of transmitter buffer for all targets
X1 errors
0x3F limit
0x80 alloc
Error bitmask
U1 res reserved

MON-HW (0x0A09)

DescriptionHardware Status
Type Periodic/Polled
CommentStatus of different aspect of the hardware, such as Antenna, PIO/Peripheral Pins, Noise Level, Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
X4 pinSel Mask of Pins Set as Peripheral/PIO
X4 pinBank Mask of Pins Set as Bank A/B
X4 pinDir Mask of Pins Set as Input/Output
X4 pinVal Mask of Pins Value Low/High
U2 noisePerMS Noise Level as measured by the GPS Core
U2 agcCnt AGC Monitor (counts SIGHI xor SIGLO, range 0 to 8191)
U1 aStatus Status of the Antenna Supervisor State Machine (0=INIT, 1=DONTKNOW, 2=OK, 3=SHORT, 4=OPEN)
U1 aPower Current PowerStatus of Antenna (0=OFF, 1=ON, 2=DONTKNOW)
X1 flags
0x1 rtcCalib
U1 res1 reserved for future use
X4 usedMask Mask of Pins that are used by the Virtual Pin Manager
U1 VP Array of Pin Mappings for each of the 32 Physical Pins array of 32 items
X4 pinIrq Mask of Pins Value using the PIO Irq
GPS_UBX_MON_HW_RESH_t ? ? optional

AID-REQ (0x0B00)

DescriptionSends a poll (AID-DATA) for all GPS Aiding Data
Type Virtual
CommentIf the virtual AID-REQ is configured to be output (see CFG-MSG), the receiver will output a request for aiding data (AID-DATA) after a start-up if its internally stored data (position, time, ephemeris, almana) don't allow it to perform a hot start.
\note: AID-REQ is not a message but a placeholder for configuration purposes.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType

AID-INI-POLL- (0x0B01)

DescriptionPoll GPS Initial Aiding Data
Type Poll Request
\note: This message has an empty payload!
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType

AID-INI-U5- (0x0B01)

DescriptionAiding position, time, frequency, clock drift
Type Polled
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
I4 ecefXOrLat WGS84 ECEF X coordinate or latitude, depending on flags below
I4 ecefYOrLon WGS84 ECEF Y coordinate or longitude, depending on flags below
I4 ecefZOrAlt WGS84 ECEF Z coordinate or altitude, depending on flags below
U4 posAcc position accuracy (stddev)
X2 tmCfg
0x02 fEdge
0x10 tm1
0x40 f1
time mark configuration
U2 wn actual week number
U4 tow actual time of week
I4 towNs sub-millisecond part of time of week
U4 tAccMs milliseconds part of time accuracy
U4 tAccNs nanoseconds part of time accuracy
I4 clkDOrFreq clock drift or frequency, depending on flags below
U4 clkDAccOrFreqAcc accuracy of clock drift or frequency, depending on flags below
X4 flags
0x01 pos
0x02 time
0x04 clockD
0x08 tp
0x10 clockF
0x20 lla
0x40 altInv
0x80 prevTm
bitmask with the following flags


DescriptionPoll GPS Health, UTC and ionosphere parameters
Type Poll Request
\note: This message has an empty payload!
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType

AID-HUI (0x0B02)

DescriptionGPS Health, UTC and ionosphere parameters
Type Input/Output Message
CommentThis message contains a health bit mask, UTC time and Klobuchar parameters.For more information on these parameters, please see the ICD-GPS-200 documentation.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
X4 health Bitmask, every bit represenst a GPS SV (1-32). If the bit is set the SV is healthy.
R8 utcA1 UTC - parameter A1
R8 utcA0 UTC - parameter A0
I4 utcTOW UTC - reference time of week
I2 utcWNT UTC - reference week number
I2 utcLS UTC - time difference due to leap seconds before event
I2 utcWNF UTC - week number when next leap second event occurs
I2 utcDN UTC - day of week when next leap second event occurs
I2 utcLSF UTC - time difference due to leap seconds after event
I2 utcSpare UTC - Spare to ensure structure is an multiple of 4 bytes
R4 klobA0 Klobuchar - alpha 0
R4 klobA1 Klobuchar - alpha 1
R4 klobA2 Klobuchar - alpha 2
R4 klobA3 Klobuchar - alpha 3
R4 klobB0 Klobuchar - beta 0
R4 klobB1 Klobuchar - beta 1
R4 klobB2 Klobuchar - beta 2
R4 klobB3 Klobuchar - beta 3
X4 flags
0x1 health
0x2 utc
0x4 klob

AID-DATA (0x0B10)

DescriptionPolls all GPS Initial Aiding Data
Type Poll
CommentIf this poll is received, the messages AID-INI, AID-HUI, AID-EPH and AID-ALM are sent (Antaris only). u-blox 5 uses this message just to poll.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType


DescriptionPoll GPS Aiding Almanach Data
Type Poll Request
CommentPoll GPS Aiding Data (Almanach) for all 32 SVs by sending this message to the receiver without any payload.The receiver will return 32 messages of type AID-ALM as defined below.
\note: This message has an empty payload!
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType


DescriptionPoll GPS Aiding Almanach Data for a SV
Type Poll Request
CommentPoll GPS Aiding Data (Almanach) for an SV by sending this message to the receiver. The receiver will return one message of type AID-ALM as defined below.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 svid SV ID for which the receiver shall return

AID-ALM (0x0B30)

DescriptionGPS Aiding Almanach Input/Output Message
Type Input/Output Message
Comment* If the WEEK Value is 0, DWRD0 to DWRD7 are not sent as the almanach is not available for the given SV.
* DWORD0 to DWORD7 contain the 8 words following the Hand-Over Word ( HOW ) from the GPS navigation message, either pages 1 to 24 of sub-frame 5 or pages 2 to 10 of subframe 4. See ICD-GPS-200 for a full description of the contents of the Almanac pages.
* In DWORD0 to DWORD7, the parity bits have been removed, and the 24 bits of data are located in Bits 0 to 23. Bits 24 to 31 are the sign-extension of the data.
* Example: Parameter e (Eccentricity) from Almanach Subframe 4/5, Word 3, Bits 69-84 within the subframe can be found in DWRD0, Bits 15-0 whereas Bit 0 is the LSB.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 svid SV ID for which this
U4 week Issue Date of Almanach (GPS week number)
GPS_UBX_AID_ALM_DWRD_t ? ? optional


DescriptionPoll GPS Aiding Ephemeris Data
Type Poll Request
CommentPoll GPS Aiding Data (Ephemeris) for all 32 SVs by sending this message to the receiver without any payload. The receiver will return 32 messages of type AID-EPH as defined below.
\note: This message has an empty payload!
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType


DescriptionPoll GPS Aiding Ephemeris Data for a SV
Type Poll Request
CommentPoll GPS Constellation Data (Ephemeris) for an SV by sending this message to the receiver. The receiver will return one message of type AID-EPH as defined below.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 svid SV ID for which the receiver shall return

AID-EPH (0x0B31)

DescriptionGPS Aiding Ephemeris Input/Output Message
Type Input/Output Message
Comment* SF1D0 to SF3D7 is only sent if ephemeris is available for this SV. If not, the payload is reduced to 4 Bytes, indicating that this SV Number does not have valid ephemeris for the moment.
* SF1D0 to SF3D7 contain the 24 words following the Hand-Over Word ( HOW ) from the GPS navigation message, subframes 1 to 3. See ICD-GPS-200 for a full description of the contents of the Subframes.
* In SF1D0 to SF3D7, the parity bits have been removed, and the 24 bits of data are located in Bits 0 to 23. Bits 24 to 31 are the sign-extension of the data.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 svid SV ID for which this ephemeris data is
U4 how Hand-Over Word of first Subframe,
GPS_UBX_AID_EPH_SF1D_t ? ? optional


DescriptionALPSRV-REQ: ALP client requests AlmanacPlus data from server
Type Output Message
CommentThis message is sent by the ALP client to the ALP server in order to request a data chunk. The given identifier must be prepended to the requested data when submitting the data.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 idSize Identifier size. This data, beginning at message start, must prepend the returned data.
U1 type Requested data type. Must be different from 0xff, otherwise this is not a data request.
U2 ofs Requested data offset [16bit words]
U2 size Requested data size [16bit words]
U2 fileId Unused when requesting data, filled in when sending back the data
U2 dataSize Actual data size. Unused when requesting data, filled in when sending back the data.
U1 id1 Identifier data
U1 id2 Identifier data
U4 id3 Identifier data


DescriptionALPSRV-SRV: ALP server sends AlmanacPlus data to client
Type Input Message
CommentThis message is sent by the ALP server to the ALP client and is usually sent in response to a data request. The server copies the identifier from the request and fills in the dataSize and fileId fields.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 idSize Identifier size
U1 type Requested data type
U2 ofs Requested data offset [16bit words]
U2 size Requested data size [16bit words]
U2 fileId Corresponding ALP file ID, must be filled in by the server!
U2 dataSize Actual data contained in this message, must be filled in by the server!
U1 id1 Identifier data
U1 id2 Identifier data
U4 id3 Identifier data
GPS_UBX_AID_ALPSRV_SRV_DATA_t ? ? repeat dataSize times


DescriptionALPSRV-CLI: ALP client sends AlmanacPlus data to server.
Type Output Message
CommentThis message is sent by the ALP client to the ALP server in order to submit updated data. The server can either replace the current data at this position or choose to ignore this new data (which will result in degraded performance).
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 idSize Identifier size
U1 type Set to 0xff to mark that is *not* a data request
U2 ofs Data offset [16bit words]
U2 size Data size [16bit words]
U2 fileId Corresponding ALP file id
GPS_UBX_AID_ALPSRV_CLI_DATA_t ? ? repeat size times

AID-ALP-TX (0x0B50)

DescriptionALP file data transfer to the receiver
Type Input message
CommentThis message is used to transfer a chunk of data from the AlmanacPlus file to the receiver. Upon reception of this message, the receiver will write the payload data to its internal non-volatile memory, eventually also erasing that part of the memory first. Make sure that the payload size is even sized (i.e. always a multiple of 2). Do not use payloads larger than ~ 700 bytes, as this would exceed the receiver’s internal buffering capabilities. The receiver will (not-) acknowledge this message using the message alternatives given below. The host shall wait for an acknowledge message before sending the next chunk.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
GPS_UBX_AID_ALP_TX_ALPDATA_t ? ? repeat Variable times

AID-ALP-END (0x0B50)

DescriptionMark end of data transfer
Type Input message
CommentThis message is used to indicate that all chunks have been transferred, and normal receiver operation can resume. Upon reception of this message, the receiver will verify all chunks received so far, and enable AssistNow Offline and GPS receiver operation if successful. This message could also be sent to cancel an incomplete download.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 dummy Value is ignored

AID-ALP-ACK (0x0B50)

DescriptionAcknowledges a data transfer
Type Output message
CommentThis message from the receiver acknowledges successful processing of a previously received chunk of data with the “Chunk Transfer” Message. This message will also be sent once a “Stop” message has been received, and the integrity of all chunks received so far has been checked successfully.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 ack Set to 0x01

AID-ALP-NAK (0x0B50)

DescriptionIndicate problems with a data transfer
Type Output message
CommentThis message from the receiver indicates that an error has occurred while processing and storing the data received with the “Chunk Transfer” message. This message will also be sent once a stop command has been received, and the integrity of all chunks received failed.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U1 nak Set to 0x00


DescriptionPoll the AlmanacPlus status
Type Periodic/Polled
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 predTow Prediction start time of week
U4 predDur Prediction duration from start of first data set to end of last data set
I4 age Current age of ALP data
U2 predWno Prediction start week number
U2 almWno Truncated week number of reference almanac
U4 res1 Reserved for future use
U1 svs Number of satellite data sets contained in the ALP data
U1 res2 Reserved for future use
U1 res3 Reserved for future use
U1 res4 Reserved for future use

TIM-TP (0x0D01)

DescriptionTimepulse Timedata
Type Periodic/Polled
CommentThis message contains information for high precision timing. Note that contents are correct only if the timepulse is set to one pulse per second.
Number FormatNameBitmasksCommentType
U4 towMS Timepulse GPS time of week
U4 towSubMS Submillisecond part of TOWMS
I4 qErr Quantization error of timepulse.
U2 week Timepulse GPS week number.
X1 flags
0x01 timeBase
0x02 utc
U1 res unused